
This is the documentation for epicstore_api, library for working with the Epic Games Store API


epicstore_api works with Python 3.6 or higher, other versions may not work.


You can get the library directly from PyPI:

python3 -m pip install -U epicstore_api

If you are using Windows, then the following should be used instead:

py -3 -m pip install -U epicstore_api

Remember to check your permissions!

Quick Example

Code that will print offer id(s) and their developer for the first product in mapping. You can see other examples in examples/ directory:

from epicstore_api import EpicGamesStoreAPI, OfferData

api = EpicGamesStoreAPI()
namespace, slug = list(api.get_product_mapping().items())[0]
first_product = api.get_product(slug)
offers = []
for page in first_product['pages']:
    if page.get('offer') is not None:
        offers.append(OfferData(page['namespace'], page['offer']['id']))
offers_data = api.get_offers_data(*offers)
for offer_data in offers_data:
    data = offer_data['data']['Catalog']['catalogOffer']
    developer_name = ''
    for custom_attribute in data['customAttributes']:
        if custom_attribute['key'] == 'developerName':
            developer_name = custom_attribute['value']
    print('Offer ID:', data['id'], '\nDeveloper Name:', developer_name)